What can I take with me? Checking bags, strollers and more
Here you can find out which bags and rucksacks you can take into the Oktoberfest and which you should leave at home, how the security check at the entrances works and when you’re allowed to push your baby buggy across the venue.

The City of Munich and the police ensure safety at the Oktoberfest
To ensure that people can celebrate in a relaxed manner at the world's largest folk festival, the City of Munich, together with the Munich police, has developed a comprehensive security concept that has proven its worth in recent years and is constantly being adapted. The cooperation is professional and routine.
The festival grounds are fenced off and a security service checks visitors at the entrances, supported by the police. The entire Theresienwiese is monitored by more than 50 cameras. There is also a loudspeaker system that reaches the entire festival area. A flight restriction zone with a radius of 5.5 kilometers is in effect above the Theresienwiese, and two barrier rings around the Oktoberfest secure traffic. Especially for women* and girls* there is a Safe Space of the campaign "Sichere Wiesn".
The answers to the most important questions about safety aspects can be found here:
Mobile, cash, MVV ticket, keys, Kleenex, lipstick – there are a few things you definitely need to take with you at the Oktoberfest. The bag you bring them in can be up to 3 liters in volume or no bigger than 20 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm (approx. 8 in x 6 in x 4 in). For example that is a small handbag or a mini-rucksack. At the entrances stand security personnel who check bag size and contents, where necessary, and give each bag a “security check tag”, which changes color each day.
- No matter how small the bag is - not allowed are gas spray cans with harmful contents, corrosive or coloring substances and objects that can be used as cutting, thrusting or stabbing weapons.
- It is permitted to bring beverages onto the festival grounds - but not into the tents/beer gardens and not in glass bottles, these may not be brought onto the festival grounds.
- Permitted are e.g. walking aids or medical devices, they will be checked and marked by the staff with the security check band as well.
- Umbrellas are also allowed.
Anyone bringing large items of luggage must leave them at the luggage storage areas at the P1, P5, P8 and P10 entrances for a fee of 5 euros. The organiser cannot guarantee that there will always be free capacity available. Waiting times must therefore be expected in the event of large crowds.
Basically: Yes, even if it is advisable to choose a manoeuvrable buggy instead of a large pram or to have babies close to you in a carrier. Pushchairs are permitted on all days (without a large changing bag) until 6 pm. Exception: prams are not allowed on the grounds on Saturdays and on Ocotber 3th, (german public holiday).
The so-called Kraxen (back carriers for small children) are always permitted.
The police are present with around 600 officers on the Theresienwiese and in the surrounding area and carry out checks in suspicious cases throughout the city. The police department's Oktoberfest station, which is manned around the clock, is located in the Service Center in the western area of the festival grounds (below the Bavaria, in the copper-colored box). In case of emergency you should immediately call 110 or go to the station. The police informs (not only in case of danger) about current police operations via X and Facebook.
In addition to the police forces, over 2,000 security staff provide security on the festival grounds and in the tents.